LABVOLUTION 2023 to present innovative start-ups in Hannover
Start-ups play an important role in economic growth and push innovation forward within the industry – including the various laboratory technology segments. At LABVOLUTION 2023, which will take place in Hannover, Germany, from May 9 to 11, twelve young companies will present their products, technologies and applications for the smart labs of tomorrow.
Hannover. This year, twelve creative start-ups will introduce themselves to the lab community, present innovations and revolutionary processes, and discuss their visions with potential investors, partners and customers.
Whether companies or research institutions, at this year’s edition of LABVOLUTION, interested parties can meet promising start-ups. “Those who do outstanding research and developments want to bring their innovations to the market and establish contacts in the industry. We look forward to bringing start-ups and the lab world together and to supporting founders in expanding their networks,” explains Carola Triebsch, Project Director of LABVOLUTION at Deutsche Messe.
A spotlight for start-ups and spin-offs
One start-up participating in LABVOLUTION is Green Elephant, which aims to drastically reduce disposable plastic waste in the laboratory with its sustainable cell culture system “CellScrew”, which is made from plant-based PLA. CellDEG GmbH also focuses on highly innovative cultivation systems. Founded in 2016 as a spin-off of the Institute of Biology at Humboldt-University in Berlin, the company develops and sells screening and analysis platforms based on the high-density cultivation (HDC) process, as well as bioreactors for growing photoautotrophic cultures such as microalgae and cyanobacteria.
MagBio Genomics develops and distributes Magnetic Beads for isolation and purification of liquid biopsies in genomic research. The modular 3D-printed organization system from Better Basics creates order at laboratory workstations and thus contributes to improved efficiency and more work safety. With its blockchain infrastructure, ARXUM enables laboratories to exchange data securely and fully automatically, including permanent documentation and traceability for maximum data security.
In addition to ARXUM, Better Basics, CellDEG, Green Elephant and MagBio Genomics, FLUICS, innoME, pluriSelect, SAFIA Technologies, Samplision, Venture Leap and Synefex will also present themselves throughout the trade fair at the joint booth C24 in hall 19/20 in Hannover.